• Elements
  • Element: Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Effort - 01004

Page Name

For University Employee and Salary Category Detail: This is the portion of full-time effort expected to be available for this employment resource or portion of an employment resource during a fiscal year. Used to calculate PERSON_YEARS for salaried employees. For Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, or Monthly pay periods this should be the portion of full-time effort expected.

For Salaried Employees: For employment resource years or a portion of an employment resource year: This value must be greater than zero if EMPR_TYP_CD (01181) is equal to employee, vacant, authorized but not established, or summer person year/rate/salary reserve. For OPS: Null will be generated when Rate Type is Hourly or Lump Sum. For Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, and Monthly rate types this value must be greater than 0.01 but not exceed 1.0.

Load programs will set value to NULL on the EMPLOYEE_VACANTS table when the EMPR_TYPE_CODE is 'O', 'P', or 'R' for SCD submission.

Load programs will set the value to NULL on the EMPLOYEE_DATA table when the BE_CD is 'P' or RATE_TYP for OPS employees is 'L' or 'H' on SCD and




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DATA0539Must be greater than zero when Budget Entity is not equal to Faculty Practice or (Pay Plan is not equal to OPS and Rate Type is not equal to ('L','H'))9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DATA6027FTE is nulled if PAY_PLAN_NBR < '10' and RATE_TYP IN ('H', 'L') or BE_CD = 'P'1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA0314MUST BE = ZERO, 01007=P9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA0539Must be greater than zero when Budget Entity is not equal to Faculty Practice or (Pay Plan is not equal to OPS and Rate Type is not equal to ('L','H'))9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA6027FTE is nulled if PAY_PLAN_NBR < '10' and RATE_TYP IN ('H', 'L') or BE_CD = 'P'1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
SCDEMPLOYEE_VACANTS0029Must be equal to zero if employee resource type code equals O,P,R9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_VACANTS0623Must be greater than zero if employee resource code equal to V,A,X9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_VACANTS6238FTE is nulled if EMPR_TYP_CD in ('O', 'P', 'R') 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
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