• Elements
  • Element: Student Section Funding Flag - 01103

Page Name

Indicates whether or not a course is state funded. If it is not state fundable this flag indicates reason it is not.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

'00State Fundable
Identifies courses that are below college level (CRS_NBR starts with 0). These credit hours are considered state fundable for FAMU only.

'33Not Applicable Toward Any Degree
To include fees waived through reciprocal student exchange programs
'44Funded From Non-University Sources
Where substantially all the direct costs are paid by the sponsoring agency (Non-SUS) and where no direct operational costs are provided by the university
'55Fee Deferment Default Or Cancelled Non-Payment
'66Student Enrolled for Audit
'77Over 5 Hours Supervised Teaching/Research
Exceeds 5 hour maximum in supervised teaching or supervised research
'88Non-Candidate Doctoral Research
Students enrolled in Doctoral research not admitted to Doctoral candidacy
'AAFunded Through Florida A&M University
These are outbound cooperative education credits that are taught by FAMU faculty in FAMU classrooms, but are considered native FSU credits because the outbound FSU student only pays tuition and fees to FSU. These outbound credits are not included in analytic reports of FSU¿s enrollment. These outbound credits are not included in FSU¿s IRD records. These outbound credits are not included in FSU¿s COURSE_MEETING records.

Credit taken at reporting institution funded by another institution
'DDFunded Through Florida State University
These are outbound cooperative education credits that are taught by FSU faculty in FSU classrooms, but are considered native FAMU credits because the outbound FAMU student only pays tuition and fees to FAMU. These outbound credits are not included in analytic reports of FAMU¿s enrollment. These outbound credits are not included in FAMU¿s IRD records. These outbound credits are not included in FAMU¿s COURSE_MEETING records.

Credit taken at reporting institution funded by another institution
'JJNon-Fundable, Repeat Surcharge Applied
This code shall be used to identify courses for which the student pays a repeat surcharge. These courses shall not be included in calculations of full-time equivalent enrollments for state funding. This code should only be used if the student actually pays the repeat surcharge and is not exempted from paying it. (1) An undergraduate course that has been taken more than twice by this student, or (2) a college-prepatory class that this student has enrolled in more than two times.
'LLNon-Fundable, Student Funded
Courses where students pay all the cost of instruction. (eg. Executive MBA, Distance Learning)
'MMMedical/Professional Non-Fundable
'NNNon-Resident Profile Assessment
This value should only be used when no other funding values apply a 'LAST N' approach. For example, when SELF_SUPPORT_CRS=C, prioritize STU_SECTN_FUND_CD= 4 or L, over N.

'RROutbound Reciprocal Exchange Students
For students in articulated reciprocal exchange programs with specific contracts between institutions not generic National Exchange programs. These credits are considered native credits, not transfer credits. The tuition arrangement is what makes a reciprocal exchange different from traditional transfer credits as these students remain officially enrolled at the host institution while studying at the non-host institution. These credits are not state-fundable and are therefore excluded from the IRD matching reports between the SIF and IRD. On the SIF submission, use generic placeholder course info (number, time, place), and once the final work is done and course equivalency assessments are done, then convert course to a common course type number on the HTD. If any fees are waived, then WAIVER/EXEMPTION TYPE (#01109) should be 'BOT Approved - All Other' (5507).

'SSState Employee Waiver
Identifies the courses enrolled in by state employees who received a State Employee waiver (WAIVE_EXMPT_TYPE=5015). These credit hours are considered state fundable.

'UUSUS Employee Waiver
Identifies the courses enrolled in by SUS employees (WAIVE_EXMPT_TYPE=5503). These credit hours are state-fundable.


Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN0856Student Section Funding Flag cannot be zero when Course Program Category is between 280000 and 299999.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN0857Student Section Funding Flag cannot be zero when Course Budget Entity is 2 or 3.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN4136Frequency of Values for COURSES_TAKEN.STU_SECTN_FUND_CD0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN5252Student Section Funding Flag must be 5 when Termination Code is F or C.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN5259Student Section Funding Flag cannot equal zero when the Doctoral Candidacy Flag is N and Primary Course Section Type is G.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN5333Student Section Funding Flag must equal 7 when Maximum Credit in Supervised Teaching is Y, Primary Course Section Type is S, and Termination Code is not F, or C 9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN5334Student Section Funding Flag must equal 7 when Maximum Credit in Supervised Research is Y, Primary Course Section Type is R, and Termination Code is not F, or C 9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN5404When Student Section Funding Flag (#01103) is equal to S (State Employee Fee Waiver Course), U (SUS Employee Fee Waiver Course) there must be a Waiver/Exemption Type (#01109) equal to either 5015 (State Employee) or 5503 (Faculty/Staff Employees). Effective summer 2017.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN0856Student Section Funding Flag cannot be zero when Course Program Category is between 280000 and 299999.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN0857Student Section Funding Flag cannot be zero when Course Budget Entity is 2 or 3.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN4136Frequency of Values for COURSES_TAKEN.STU_SECTN_FUND_CD0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
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