• Elements
  • Element: Fee Classification - Kind - 01107

Page Name

The classification of the type of registration fees (money charged by the university for instruction) and other payments made by the student to the university for educational purposes. The three classifications are:
1) All general instruction including IFAS (Institute of Food and Agriculture Science), Health Center, Medical Center and audits.
2) Student registered for no credit (graduating student, exams, etc.)
3) Student not registered, degree posted only.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

'GGGeneral Instruction Including IFAS
All budget entities offering instruction, including IFAS (Institute of Food and Agriculture Science, Medical Center, Health Center and audits.
'IIStudent Registered for No Credit this term
(graduating student, special exams, etc.)
'PPDegree Posted Only
All information for the student should be effective for the term which is reported in Term Degree Granted (01412).

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscending
Table name
Diagnostic Code
Diagnostic Message
Error Level
Error Description
SFAENROLLMENTS0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SFAENROLLMENTS4142Frequency of Values for ENROLLMENTS.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN4138Frequency of Values for COURSES_TAKEN.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFENROLLMENTS0557For SIF/SIFP, the FEE_CLASS_KIND must equal G or I. For SIFD, the FEE_CLASS_KIND must equal G or P9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFENROLLMENTS4142Frequency of Values for ENROLLMENTS.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFENROLLMENTS5325When FEE_CLASS_KIND = G and DEG_LEVEL_SOUGHT is not Medicine(X), Veterinary (V) or Dentistry (F), the student must be taking courses. 5Warning: possible error that should be checked
SIFFEE_WAIVERS4139Frequency of Values for FEE_WAIVERS.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFTEST_CREDITS4143Frequency of Values for TEST_CREDITS.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFDDEGREES_AWARDED0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFDDEGREES_AWARDED4265Frequency of Values for DEGREES_AWARDED.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFDENROLLMENTS0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFDENROLLMENTS4142Frequency of Values for ENROLLMENTS.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN4138Frequency of Values for COURSES_TAKEN.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN5325When FEE_CLASS_KIND = G and DEG_LEVEL_SOUGHT is not Medicine(X), Veterinary (V) or Dentistry (F), the student must be taking courses. 5Warning: possible error that should be checked
SIFPENROLLMENTS0557For SIF/SIFP, the FEE_CLASS_KIND must equal G or I. For SIFD, the FEE_CLASS_KIND must equal G or P9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPENROLLMENTS4142Frequency of Values for ENROLLMENTS.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFPFEE_WAIVERS4139Frequency of Values for FEE_WAIVERS.FEE_CLASS_KIND0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
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