• Elements
  • Element: Instruction and Research Activities - 01509

Page Name

The I&R activities of an institution as they relate to the accomplishment of its educational objectives.

11,12,15,19-21,43,44 - are defined as "instruction".
22-Research and 23-Organized Research:
Institutions using Activity Code 23 should report all organized research under this code and all other research under Activity Code 22. Institutions that are not separately identifying organized research should report all research under Code 22.
43-Grad I Institutions should report the activity in Grad I if the student's course is between 5000 and 8999 and it is not classified as Graduate II.
44-Grad II Course Number (01196) is between 5000 and 8999, and the student's Classification Level (01060) equals 'A', and Degree Level Sought (01053) equals 'E', 'S', 'D' or 'R', and student program category (01062) is an authorized Doctoral degree program at the institution.
Public Service (32,34,35,36)
The public service default is code 32. Institutions may optionally use the following codes to further identify public service. All of these codes as well as 32 will be summarized for reporting purposes into 'Public Service'. (This applies to most I&R Data File reports as well as Expenditure Analysis).
34 Clinical Service
35 State Mandated Service
36 Paid Patient Care
Administration (45,46,47):
The universities may optionally code:
- 45 Auxiliary Effort
This activity as well as 46-Administration and 47-University Governance will be mapped into 'administration' in Expenditure Analysis.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

'1111Lower Level Instruction
These include courses with a 0, 1, or 2 as the first digit of Common Course Number (01196).
'1212Upper Level Instruction
These include courses with a 3 or 4 as the first digit of Common Course Number (01196).
'1515Graduate III Instruction
These include courses with an M in Variable Credit Flag (01114) and are required to attain a medical, dental or veterinarian degree.
'1616Supervision of Cooperative Education
Coordinating the placement of Cooperative Education students into supervised work experiences, evaluating student progress, and counseling and conducting seminars for Cooperative Education students.
'1717Clinical Instruction
Instruction offered, only at the UF Health Center, the the USF Medical Center or the FSU Medical School, to interns, residents, house officers and postdoctoral trainees in clinical situations by faculty physicians in medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine.
'1919Instruction Effort/Graduate Laboratory Assistants
Contact hours may be assigned to graduate laboratory assistants for course section(s) reported on the Instructional Activity File. Such contact hours will not ordinarily exceed the regular contact hours assigned to the course section. Justification for such assigned contact hours will be documented as part of the person's activities report and reported in the Instruction and Research Data File.
'2020Instruction Effort/Course Graders
Contact hour equivalencies may be assigned to graduate assistant course graders in support of a course section (s) reported on the Instructional Activity File (IAF). the total of such contact hours equivalencies will not ordinarily exceed the regular contact hours assigned to the course section. Justification for such assigned contact hour equivalencies will be documented as part of the Activities Report for the graduate assistant and reported in the Instruction and Research Data File.
'2121Instructional Effort/Secondary Instructional Site Travel
Contact hour equivalencies in addition to regular contact hours may be assigned to travel to a secondary instructional site which requires a round-trip travel time of at least two (2) hours per course meeting in support of a course section(s) reported on the Instructional Activity File (IAF). Such contact hour equivalencies will not ordinarily exceed the regular contact hours assigned to the course section. Justification for such assigned contact hour equivalencies will be documented as part of the individual's Activities Report and reported in the Instruction and Research Data File.
Research and development ordinarily managed within academic departments. Such activities usually have stated goals or purposes and projected outcomes, and may be created for specific periods as allocation of institutional or system resources. Research activity of IFAS conducted through the experimental stations is included in this category. A component of research and development is the eventual dissemination of research results. Research assignments for the individual faculty member shall be stated in general terms. At the end of each term, a record shall show specific activities toward fulfilling the assignment for research.
'2323Organized Research (OPTIONAL)
Separately budgeted and accounted for research and development activities that include: 1) Sponsored Research-All research and development activities that are sponsored by federal and non-federal agencies and organizations. This term includes activities involving the training of individuals in research techniques (research training) where such activities utilize the same facilities as other research and development activities and where such activities are not included in the instruction function. 2) University Research-All research and development activities that are separately budgeted and accounted for by the institution under an internal application of institutional funds.
'2525Other Instructional Effort/Non-Credit Generating
Performance of instructional-related activities which are not reported on the Instructional Activity File. This includes the development of new delivery approaches, improvement/revision of materials for credit courses, participation in the planning, development and/or evaluation of total curricla program services, and preparing planning programs and for summer FTE reconciliation of 12-Hour LAW/UFF contract. A maximum of one (1) contact hour equivalency may be assigned per three and one-half (3.5) clock hours of activity. Justification for this activity will be documented as part of the individual's Activities Report and the Instruction & Research Data File (IRD).
'3232Public Service
Public service extends the professional and/or discipline related services of individuals to the community, the state, or the nation. This includes service in professional organizations and academic or professional student organizations. The primary intent is to provide professional and/or discipline-related services, other than instruction, that are beneficial to groups and individuals. Extension activities of IFAS are included in the Agricultural Extension Service category. The public service assignments shall be in general terms in the individual's written assignment. The service must extend the professional and/or discipline-related services of the individual. The service must benefit groups, organizations or individuals. At the end of each semester, the Activity Reports shall list and explain specific activities toward fulfilling the assignments. Such public service shall not generate renumeration from third parties. Activities which do not meet all of these criteria do not qualify as public service.
'3333Agricultural Extension Service
Activities involving the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) Agricultural Extension Service.
'3434Clinical Service (OPTIONAL)
This category is intended for reporting effort of faculty involved in the performance of non-reimbursable public service activities in a clinical environment that have been assigned by the unit administrator. Units using this category include the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Professions, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine as well as the University Counseling Center, Student Health Care, and Animal Facilities and Communication Sciences.
'3535State Mandated Service
Includes public service activities required by rule or statute to be performed by state universities. This category is to be used for reporting education service effort of faculty and other professional employees involved in the performance of public service activities in the K-12 system that have been assigned by the unit administrator.
'3636Paid Patient Care (OPTIONAL)
This category is used for employees paid from Academic Enrichment Funds who are involved in compensated clinical activities in the Health Center. The amount to be reported as paid patient care in the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) is the amount shown on line 11 and/or line 13 of the Semester Faculty Assignment Report for Health Science Center Faculty. Line 11 of the assignment report form lists the amount to be reported when the employee is paid from a MG&G account with an original fund source of AEF.
'4040Academic Advising
Formal counseling with students on academic course or program selection, scheduling, and career counseling. Academic advising assignments shall include such indicators as number of students formally advised by the faculty member, hours specifically designated for advising purposes, and other appropriate indicators of advising activity.
'4343Graduate I Instruction
These include courses with a 5, 6, 7 or 8 as the first digit of Common Course Number (01196) and are required to attain a Master's or the 5-year Specialist degree.
'4444Graduate II Instruction
These include courses with a 5, 6, 7 or 8 as the first digit of Common Course Number (01196) and are required to attain a Doctoral degree.
'4545Auxiliary Effort (OPTIONAL)
All activities paid for in the auxiliary budget that are not specifically assigned to other categories. This category includes effort expended on the operation of residence halls, dining halls, hospitals and clinics, student unions, intercollegiate athletics, bookstores, faculty housing, chapels, theaters, public museums, and other similar auxiliary enterprises. Also included in this category is the effort of employees involved in revenue activities such as the Engineering charge-back centers. Effort for employees paid from state funds cannot be reported directly in this category; therefore, the efforts should be loaned to the auxiliary account assigned to the unit.
'4646Academic Administration
Supervisory, management or staff activities related to the administration of a department, college, university or the SUS. This activity provides administrative support and management direction to the instructional, research and public service programs. Assignments customarily and regularly require the incumbent to exercise discretion and independent judgement and includes service on interinstitutional SUS committees. Effort in this activity shall show the administrative duties that were assigned to the individual.
'4747University Governance
Activities that provide advisory support to the general governance of the unit or institution. Includes participation in the general governance of the department or institution in accordance with the direct the work of others. Constitution of the institution, limited to participation in the legislative processes of the unit or institution and service on committees associated with these legislative processes. Includes special assignments such as consultation service to the university offices and units.
'8989Leave of Absence With Pay
An authorized, compensated leave of absence granted to an employee by the university. Includes sabbaticals, professional development leave, and disablility leave.
'9090Release Time
A reduction in an employee's course load (for instruction) or hours of work (for non-instruction) for purposes of carrying out union activities in employee representation and contract administration.

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
EAEXPENDITURE_ANALYSIS_EXTRACT4095Frequency of Values for EXPENDITURE_ANALYSIS_EXTRACT.INSTR_RESRCH_ACT0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0194When INSTR_RESRCH_ACT equals '89', the PAY_PLAN_NBR must not be less than 109Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0195INSTR_RESRCH_ACT equals (11, 12, 43, 44, 15, 19, 20, or 21) and PROG_COMP_ACT is not equal 0100009Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0196When INSTR_RESRCH_ACT equals 11, the CRS_NBR must start with a 0,1,29Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0197When INSTR_RESRCH_ACT equal to '12' CRS_NBR must start with a '3' or '4'9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0198When INSTR_RESRCH_ACT is equal to 43 or 44, CRS_NBR must be equal to 5,6,7,8, or 99Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0199When INSTR_RESRCH_ACT equals 15, the BUD_ENT_ACT must be equal to 49Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0200When INSTR_RESRCH_ACT equals 17, the REPT_INST must be equal to UF,USF, FSU, FIU, or UCF9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES4097Frequency of Values for WORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES.INSTR_RESRCH_ACT0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY0197When INSTR_RESRCH_ACT equal to '12' CRS_NBR must start with a '3' or '4'9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY4096Frequency of Values for WORKLOAD_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY.INSTR_RESRCH_ACT0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
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