• Elements
  • Element: Appointment Status - Class - 01696

Page Name

Defines the conditions of an appointment held by an employee based on his/her class.

Required. This code should reflect the status of the employee in the class. For faculty this will reflect the status in rank. Code "X - Not Applicable" is invalid for this element except on OPS file records.

Load programs on EMPLOYEE_DEMO table will NULL value when blank, '.', or 'X'.




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Allowed Values

An appointment to a position in a class for the designated period, where the employee meets the minimum qualifications for the position. Continuous successful performance in a class with the appointment modifier of temporary may be counted toward completion of the required probationary period. The decision to count such time toward completion of the probationary period shall be made at the time the employee is initially appointed with probationary status.
University Pay Plans
A continuing appointment after successful completion of the designated probationary period for the class.
University Pay Plans
An appointment to provide a nonpermanent assignment to a vacant position; to replace an employee on leave, temporarily promoted or reassigned; or to overlap one employee with another for training purposes.
University Pay Plans
An appointment for no more than 3 months when a vacancy must be filled immediately due to an emergency. Such appointments may be made without regard to the employee's training and experience or other provisions of these rules. These appointments may be below the minimum of the pay range.
University Pay Plans
An appointment to a law enforcement position prior to receiving a Certificate of Compliance, except that the employee must, within 180 consecutive days following such appointment, be actively enrolled in the training program to obtain the certificate. Trainee status is also used when the employee has not passed a required examination, but meets the minimum qualifications for the position; the employee is not fully qualified but is expected to acquire such qualifications in a short period of time or the appointment is under a cooperative education program, a vocational rehabilitation program, an approved university training program, or an apprenticeship program. These appointments may be below the minimum of the pay range.
University Pay Plans
'AAUniversity Pay Plans / OPS
A temporary appointment paid from OPS. Individuals employed for the purpose of accomplishing tasks that are normally short term, peak load, or periodic in nature. Classification codes 0012-0017.
Temporary Other Personal Services (OPS)
A continuing appointment or an original temporary appointment which may be followed by a continuing appointment. The appointment modifier is not included in the title.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199) and University Pay Plans
An appointment of a person having professional qualifications, when either the person or the position is not expected to be available for more than a limited period of time.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199) and University Pay Plans
For Faculty, a limited time appointment to a position primarily assigned administrative duties. For University Pay Plan, a limited time appointment that includes the assumption of additional or replacement duties.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199) and University Pay Plans
An appointment when the person is engaged primarily in research.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
'FFAdjunct Faculty
An appointment paid from OPS. Adjunct appointments may not be for more then 50% of the time throughout an academic year or full-time for more than twenty-six weeks of a fiscal year, unless approved by the chief Administrative officer. Such appointments are for temporary or part-time employment and the term of employment is only for the period specified in the offer.
Temporary Other Personal Services (OPS)
An appointment of a person who is not fully qualified, but who is expected to acquire such qualifications in a short period of time.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199) and University Pay Plans
An unpaid appointment which may include special academic privileges such as voting in departmental affairs. Persons appointed with this status may or may not be otherwise affiliated with the university.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
'IIJoint - College
An appointment to a college/unit administered jointly by more than one university. Although appointed and employeed by only one of the participating universities each person so designated is considered an employee of the other participating universities for purposes of carrying out the teaching, research, and service responsibilities of the college/unit.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
An appointment when the person is regularly participating in the teaching and/or graduate supervision responsibilities of more than one academic department/unit.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
An appointment when a person participates in some functions of other academic departments/units.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
'LLHouse Staff
A temporary appointment paid from OPS. Codes 9179, 9187 and 9188 who assist medical school professional health care faculty and staff with patient care and other activities related to the person's area of specialization. May be responsible for conducting research in specialized areas of health care.
Student Other Personal Services (OPS)
'MMStudent - Faculty
A temporary appointment paid from OPS. Codes 9181-9185 who are enrolled for at least one credit hour.
Student Other Personal Services (OPS)
An appointment paid in conjunction with a professional position in a hospital or other clinical environment.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
'OOPhased Retirement - OPS
A temporary appointment paid from OPS.
Phased Retirees
'PPPost Doctoral
A temporary appointment paid from OPS. Code 9189 who is primarily responsible for conducting research or participating in research for specific programs or projects, but may be responsible for teaching when part of a specific program.
Student Other Personal Services (OPS)
'RRPhased Retirement - Salaried
An appointment under the provisions of the phased retirement program.
Phased Retirees
'SSHonorary/Honoris Causa
An unpaid appointment of an individual having distinction and honor in his/her field, but who may not possess the normal requirements for the position.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
An honorary title which may be conferred at retirement in recognition of distinguished service.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199) and University Pay Plans
'UUAffiliated Clinical
An unpaid appointment. Persons appointed with this status may or may not be otherwise affiliated with the University. This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status; time spent in this appointment shall not count as tenure or permanent status eligible service.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
Persons appointed hold faculty rank, are non-tenure earning, are not time limited.
OPS or Faculty
Persons appointed hold faculty rank and are primarily engaged in UF/IFAS cooperative extension work. Appointments do not accrue permanent status, are not time limited, and are funded by non-appropriated sources.
Faculty (Classification Codes 9000-9178, 9186 and 9199)
'XXNot Applicable
*VALID for Appointment Status-Administrative-Primary 01697. Appointment Status - Class (01696) for OPS only.
All Pay Plans
'ZZStudent - Non-Faculty
A temporary appointment paid from OPS. Applies to persons as identified in Classifications Codes 9190 and 9191. Degree seeking students in an accredited secondary or post secondary educational program who are employed on an occasional or part-time basis.
Student Other Personal Services (OPS)

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DATA0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA0390Appointment Status is invalid for Pay Plan9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
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