• Elements
  • Element: Cohort Adjustment Flag - 01442

Page Name

A flag used to indicate that a retention file record has been modified based on a change in status of the student at the institution, or by information concerning the student which was obtained or derived after the student's original information was reported. This flag can be used to remove students from the cohort population or to enhance information concerning the student.

The `Q' value should be used when:
(1) A student is found to have previously earned a bachelor's degree prior to their most recent admission at your institution and are in fact a post-baccalaureate student who failed to notify your institution about their previous bachelor's degree on their admission transcripts.
(2) A student has multiple cohort years for the same cohort type at the same institution and campus code. The Retention software does not allow a student to have multiple cohort years for the same cohort type at the same institution and campus code. Some students might have multiple Date Most Recent Admission (#1420), with the same Type Of Student At Time Of Most Recent Admission (#1413), on their SIF submissions; however, the Retention software has procedures to delete (later) records when a student has the same cohort type, but multiple cohort years at the same institution/campus.
--(2.1) Occasionally ID change issues will cause the Retention software to miss a student having multiple cohort years within a single cohort type and the student will be incorrectly placed into multiple cohort years with the same cohort type. When this happens, the Institutional Data Administrator should use the Q value and provide an ID change record with the Retention submission so that the student is properly tracked.
--(2.2) The Retention software might correctly assign a student into two different cohort types, but the institution submits a cohort change record to change the cohort type for one of the records which might violate the rule that a student cannot have the same cohort type for different cohort years. When this happens the institution would apply the Q value to the later cohort year record to remove the duplicate record.

The `Q' value should not be used when:
(1) A student may be correctly reported in multiple cohorts as different cohort types at the same institution. Some examples include: an FTIC who drops out and is subsequently officially re-admitted to your institution as an FCS AA transfer student, or a (U) transfer student drops out of your institution and is subsequently officially re-admitted to your institution as an FCS AA transfer student.
(2) A student may be correctly reported in multiple FTIC cohorts at different institutions, if the student was admitted as an FTIC at two institutions in the 'same' term. Note: Because of the Student Right to Know rules, this would include a student who begins at your institution in either the summer or fall term and at another institution in the similar summer/fall term.
(3) An FTIC student at your institution is found to have been admitted to another institution before they were enrolled as a degree-seeking student at your institution, and the student had earned more than 11 credits since high school graduation. This student should be reclassified into a transfer cohort which would require using the `Information Adjusted by Correction' value (COHORT_ADJ_IND='I') and not the Q value.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

'11Student transferred to less than 2-year institution within 150% of normal time. This value is only used for IPEDS GRS reporting of transfer outs. This value does not remove students from their original cohort.
'22Student transferred to 2-year institution within 150% of normal time. This value is only used for IPEDS GRS reporting of transfer outs. This value does not remove students from their original cohort.
'44Student transferred to 4-Year or higher institution within 150% of normal time. This value is only used for IPEDS GRS reporting of transfer outs. This value does not remove students from their original cohort.
'AAAdjusted by Death of Student. This value is an IPEDS exclusion and serves to remove students from all cohorts.
'BBStudent registered but never attended. This value is used for a student who never paid, or the student received a retroactive withdrawal and tuition & fees were returned. This non-fee liable student would not have appeared on the SIF if the paperwork had been approved before the SIF due date, so this is a timing issue. This removes the student from their cohort.
'DDStudent is Totally and Permanently Disabled. This value is an IPEDS exclusion and serves to remove students from all cohorts.
'FFStudent left to serve in armed forces or was called up to active duty. Do not include students already in the military who transfer to another duty station. This value is an IPEDS exclusion and serves to remove students from all cohorts.
'GGStudent left to serve with Foreign Aid Service of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps. This value is an IPEDS exclusion and serves to remove students from all cohorts.
'IIInformation Adjusted by Correction: This value is an adjustment - not an exclusion. This value will not remove students from the cohort. These are adjustments to the cohort_type, SRK_flag, or full/part_time_indicator based on newly confirmed information (e.g., SSN change, new transcription info).
'KKStudent left due to natural disaster. This is not an exclusion.
'MMStudent Left to serve on Official Church Mission. This value is an IPEDS exclusion and serves to remove students from all cohorts.
'PPStudent removed from FTIC cohort because they entered a Pharmacy doctoral (PharmD) program without earning a bachelor's degree. Student is moved to the Other degree/certificate sub cohort Completers with 150%. He/she is placed in the completers of programs of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years (or equivalent) category. This value is technically an adjustment, not an exclusion, because it moves students from their original cohort to a different cohort.
'QQStudent is removed from a cohort because they were incorrectly reported in multiple cohorts, or they should not have been reported in any cohort.
'TTStudent removed from FTIC cohort because they entered an Advanced Graduate program without earning a bachelor's degree. Student is moved to the Other degree/certificate sub cohort Completers with 150%. He/she is placed in the completers of programs of at least 2 but less than 4 academic years (or equivalent) category. This value is technically an adjustment, not an exclusion, because it moves students from their original cohort to a different cohort.
'ZZStudent removed from FTIC cohort because they were officially readmitted to your institution as a degree seeking student after they were formerly admitted as an unclassified student. This adjustment only applies to people between cohort year 20052006 and 20202021. Starting with the 20212022 cohort the retention build will place all STU_REC_ADM_TYP=Z into the 'other transfer' cohort.

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
RETRET_COHORT_CHGS0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
RETRET_COHORT_CHGS0826Cohort Adjustment Flag (01442) cannot be "I" when Cohort Type-New (01466) is blank or Student-Right-to-Know (SRK) Flag-New (01465) is blank, or FTIC Full-Time Indicator-Entering Term (01458) is blank.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
RETRET_COHORT_CHGS0827Cohort Adjustment Flag (01442) must be "Q" when Cohort Type-New (01466) = 'Q'9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
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