• Elements
  • Element: Fee Waiver Kind/3rd Party Kind - 01108

Page Name

An indication of the specific type arrangement by which tuition or matriculation fees per credit hour (per term for medical students) are waived (assessed but not collected from the students). There are four (4) general types of arrangements. They are:
I) Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
II) Non-State Fundable
III) State Fundable
IV) Linkage Tuition Exemption
V) Waived by UBOT Authority

Use the valid code from those listed below.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

'#I#IGubernatorial - In-state
The Gubernatorial Fellows Program Waiver is open to any student attending a Florida University both public and private. There are a total of 12 selected each year. Up to 12 hours each semester may be waived for a total of 24 hours and these hours can be taken either at the university or locally in Tallahassee.
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority
'#O#OGubernatorial - Out-of-state
The Gubernatorial Fellows Program Waiver is open to any student attending a Florida University both public and private. There are a total of 12 selected each year. Up to 12 hours each semester may be waived for a total of 24 hours and these hours can be taken either at the university or locally in Tallahassee.
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority
'$$Purple Heart or another combat decoration superior
in precedence - FS 1009.26(9) Student must be degree-seeking, a FL resdient now and at the time the decoration was awarded, and must submit a DD-214 form to the university. The student shall be exempt from 110% of the number of required credit hours of the degree or certificate program.
Type III - State Fundable
'%%Dependent/Spouse of Deceased/Disabled Veterans
FS 295.01, 295.0185, 295.02, 295.03, 295.05
Type III - State Fundable
FS 1009.25(e) A Student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or whose primary nighttime residence is a public or private shelter designed to provide temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
Type III - State Fundable
'11Reciprocal Student Exchange Programs
Student fees paid at the student's originating institution (01103 = 3, Credit Not Applicable To Local Degree)
Type II - Non-State Fundable
'22Fla National Guard Tuition & Fees One-Half Exemptions
FS 1009.26(8), FS 250.10, FAC 6C-7.008(2) Certain members of the active Florida National Guard shall be exempt from the payment of one-half of the cost of tuition and fees. (01103 = 0, for fundable courses)
Type III - State Fundable
'33Fellowship Matriculation Fee Waiver
Type III - State Fundable
'44Adoptees from Department of Children and Family
Services Students adopted after May 5, 1997 FS 409.145(3) and 1009.25(2)(c) and (d).
Type III - State Fundable
'66University Guaranteed Fees
These are fees that have not been paid by the student, but for which the university guarantees payment. The university has three years to collect the tuition from the student before it has to pay the debt. The student continues to be liable for payment. If the student pays the tuition after the university has made the payment, then the university is reimbursed for that tuition.
'77Special Risk Surviving Dependent/Spouse - Firefighters
FAC 6C-7.008(2), FS 112.191(3) Undergraduate or graduate fees of students less than 29 years of age (01103=0, unless course is not fundable)
Type III - State Fundable
'88State Employee Voucher or Grant (Non-SUS)
FS 110.1099(1)(a)-State fundable credit hours paid by voucher or grant. (01103=0).
Type III - State Fundable
'99SUS Employee Voucher or Grant
FS 110.1099(1)(a)-State fundable credit hours paid by voucher or grant. (01103=0).
Type III - State Fundable
Type I - Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
'AIAIAthletics - In-state
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority
'AMAMOut-of-State Active Duty Service Members
Statutorily required waiver of out-of-state fees for a person who is an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States residing or stationed outside of this state.
Type III - State Fundable
'BBFine Arts
Type I - Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
'BIBIFine Arts - In-state
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority
'CCForeign Student
Type I - Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
'CICIForeign Student - In-state
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority
'CWCWChild welfare services
Child welfare services per SB 1666
Type III - State Fundable
Type I - Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
'DIDIDrama - In-state
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority
'DTDTTuition Differential
Per 1009.24(16)(e) - the tuition differential may be waived by the university for students who meet eligibility requirements for the Florida public student assistance grant established in s. 1009.50.
Type II - Non-State Fundable
'EEEmployee (SUS Faculty & Staff)
FS 1009.26(3)-Up to six hours of tuition free courses per term on space-available basis (01103=P).
Type III - State Fundable
Type I - Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
'FIFIFellowship - In-state
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority
'GGGraduate Assistant
Type I - Out-of-State Tuition Waiver
'GIGIGraduate Assistant - In-state
Type V - Waived by UBOT Authority

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
SIFFEE_WAIVERS6019Fee Waiver Kind (01108) is nulled for all universities beginning with summer 2017.1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
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