• Elements
  • Element: Linkage Institution - 01815

Page Name

The home institution of a student who is enrolled in a state university and who is participating in an exchange program.

On FEE_WAIVERS table for SIFP and SIF:
The linkage institution value should be coded if the student receives a linkage tuition exemption waiver (i.e. FEE_WAIVER_KIND (01108) = 'W-Linkage Institute Exemption').

Each university is allowed under FS 1009.21 up to 25 full-time equivalent students per year from the respective host countries to study in any of the state universities in the State of Florida as a resident student for tuition purposes as defined in FS 288.8175.

Load programs on FEE_WAIVERS table will NULL value when FEE_WAIVER_KIND no 'W'.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

'AAFlorida-Brazil Institute
(UF and Miami-Dade Community College)
'BBFlorida-Costa Rica Institute
(FSU and Valencia Community College)
'CCFlorida Caribbean Institute
(FIU and Daytonay Beach Community College)
'DDFlorida-Canada Institute
(UCF and Palm Beach Junior College)
'EEFlorida-China Institute
(UWF, USF, and Brevard Community College)
'FFFlorida-Japan Institute
(USF, UWF, and St. Petersburg Community College)
'GGFlorida-France Institute
(NCF, FSU, and Miami-Dade Community College)
'HHFlorida-Israel Institute
(FAU and Broward Community College)
'IIFlorida-West Africa Institute
(FAMU, UNF, and Florida Community College at Jacksonville)
'JJFlorida-Eastern Europe Institute
(UCF, and Lake Sumter Community College
'KKFlorida-Mexico Institute
(FIU and Polk Community College)

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
SIFFEE_WAIVERS0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFFEE_WAIVERS1014Linkage Institution (#01815) is required when Waiver/Exemption Type (#01109) is equal to 5500 (Florida Linkage Institute). Effective summer 2017.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFFEE_WAIVERS6052Linkage institution (01815) is nulled if Waiver/Exemption Type (01109) is not equal to Florida Linkage Institution ('5500')1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
SIFPFEE_WAIVERS0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPFEE_WAIVERS0332LINK_INST is required when FEE_WAIVER_KIND = W9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPFEE_WAIVERS6054LINK_INST is nulled if FEE_WAIVERS.FEE_WAIVER_KIND <> 'W'1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
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