• Elements
  • Element: Beginning Time of Course Section - 01120

Page Name

The local time, based on a 24-hour clock, when a Course Section is scheduled to begin.

The Hours (high order two positions) should be between 01 and 24 inclusive. The Minutes (low order two positions) should be between 00 and 59 inclusive. Course Sections which do not have scheduled beginning times should have blanks in this field.

Load programs on COURSE_MEETINGS table will NULL value when blanks, '.', or when UNSCHED_MTG_IND = 'T'.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
SIFCOURSE_MEETINGS0505Invalid hour coded and UNSCHED_MTG_IND = X,N9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSE_MEETINGS0507Invalid minute coded and UNSCHED_MTG_IND = X,N9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSE_MEETINGS0508UNSCHED_MTG_IND=X,N and CRS_SECTN_BEG_TIME not between 0700 and 21005Warning: possible error that should be checked
SIFCOURSE_MEETINGS0712Course Meeting Times between midnight and 6 am.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSE_MEETINGS6017CRS_SECTN_BEG_TIME is nulled if COURSE_MEETINGS.UNSCHED_MTG_IND = 'T')1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
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