• Elements
  • Element: Account/Department CIP - 01013

Page Name

Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) for the Account/ Department from which compensation is to be drawn or funds are budgeted.

The data reported for this element on the SCD submissions is used to identify which state-funded employees are exempt from the salary cap per 1012.976, Florida Statutes. The Board Office released guidelines to support Board Regulation 9.006 - these guidelines are available at: https://www.flbog.edu/finance/university-budget-information/budget-guidelines-and-definitions/.

In brief, the following business rules apply to this element:
(1) State-funded Instructional faculty (BECD=1, 4, 5, 7 and BOGJOB= 5, 6 and Pay Plan=22) cannot have a Missing or No Discipline Reported (CIP=000000).
(2) All faculty and staff within Health Science Centers (BECD=4) are exempt from the salary limitation.
(3) Instructional faculty assigned to multiple CIPs are considered exempt if they teach any program on the exempt list. Please report the CIP of the largest exempt program (based on student credit hours).
(4) Non-instructional faculty are considered exempt if they oversee any of the programs on the exempt list. For a non-instructional faculty who oversee multiple programs, we ask that you report the CIP of the largest exempt program (based on student credit hours). Please only report the largest exempt CIP even when the employee is responsible for larger non-exempt programs. All non-instructional faculty that are exempt must provide a CIP in an approved program. Non-instructional faculty only includes deans, associate deans, assistant deans, department chairs, associate department chairs, assistant department chairs [where Administrative Code (#01409) is C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3].
(5) Load programs on EMPLOYEE_DATA table will NULL when PAY_PLAN_NUMBER indicates an OPS employee.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

SubmissionAscendingTable NameColumn nameElement IDTab column idTable idSubmission name
Operating Budget (OB)OPERATING_BUDGET (OB)CIP_ACCT_DEPT18300032Operating Budget
Salary Category Detail (SCD)EMPLOYEE_DATA (EDAT)CIP_ACCT_DEPT18178530Salary Category Detail
Salary Category Detail (SCD)EMPLOYEE_VACANTS (EVAC)CIP_ACCT_DEPT18188331Salary Category Detail
Student Instruction (SIF)STIPENDS (STIP)CIP_ACCT_DEPT1821312Student Instruction
Student Instruction Preliminary (SIFP)STIPENDS (STIP)CIP_ACCT_DEPT1821312Student Instruction Preliminary
University Employee/OPS (EMPL)EMPLOYEE_DATA (EDAT)CIP_ACCT_DEPT18178530University Employee/OPS
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Allowed Values

'000000000000No Discipline Reported
'010000010000Agriculture Science
'010100010100Agricultural Business and Management
'010101010101Agricultural Business and Management General
'010102010102Agricultural Business/Operations
'010103010103Ag (Food and Resource) Economics
'010104010104Farm/Farm and Ranch Management
'010105010105Agricultural/Farm Supplies Retailing and Wholesaling
'010106010106Agricultural Business Technology
'010199010199Agricultural Business and Management Other
'010200010200Agricultural Mechanization
'010201010201Agricultural Mechanization General
'010204010204Agricultural Power Machinery Operator
'010205010205Agricultural Mechanics and Equipment/Machine Tech
'010299010299Agricultural Mechanization Oth
'010300010300Agricultural Production Operations
'010301010301Agricultural Production Operations General
'010302010302Animal/Livestock Husbandry & Production
'010304010304Crop Production
'010306010306Dairy Husbandry and Production
'010307010307Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management
'010308010308Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture.
'010309010309Viticulture and Enology
'010399010399Agricultural Production Operations Other
'010400010400Agricultural and Food Product Processing
'010401010401Packaging Science
'010500010500Agricultural and Domestic Animal Services
'010504010504Dog/Pet/Animal Grooming

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DATA0511CIP_ACCT_DEPT is invalid9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DATA0865Account/Department CIP (01013) cannot be "." (Missing) or "000000" (No Discipline Reported) when Pay Plan, SUS (01037) is "22" (Faculty), BOG Job Structure Category (02087) is "05" (Temporary Instruction/Research Personnel), or "06" (Full-Time Instruction/Research Personnel), and Budget Entity Code (01007) is "1" (E&G), "4" (Health Or Medical Center), "5" (IFAS), or "7" (FAMU/FSU College of Engineering).9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DATA6232CIP_ACCT_DEPT is nulled if PAY_PLAN_NBR in ('00', '01', '02', '05', '06', '09') 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
OBOPERATING_BUDGET0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA0865Account/Department CIP (01013) cannot be "." (Missing) or "000000" (No Discipline Reported) when Pay Plan, SUS (01037) is "22" (Faculty), BOG Job Structure Category (02087) is "05" (Temporary Instruction/Research Personnel), or "06" (Full-Time Instruction/Research Personnel), and Budget Entity Code (01007) is "1" (E&G), "4" (Health Or Medical Center), "5" (IFAS), or "7" (FAMU/FSU College of Engineering).9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA6232CIP_ACCT_DEPT is nulled if PAY_PLAN_NBR in ('00', '01', '02', '05', '06', '09') 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
SCDEMPLOYEE_VACANTS0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
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Prior Database Information: