EMPL | EMPLOYEE_DATA | 0007 | Missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
IRD | WORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES | 0007 | Missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
IRD | WORKLOAD_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY | 4227 | Frequency of Values for WORKLOAD_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY.DEPT_ID | 0 | Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error |
IRD | WORKLOAD_PERSON_FUNDING | 0007 | Missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
OB | OPERATING_BUDGET | 0007 | Missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
OB | OPERATING_BUDGET | 5224 | dept_id/univ_bud_id on OB file must have matching dept_id/univ_bud_id number on the UNIV_DEPT_MASTER file | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SCD | EMPLOYEE_DATA | 0007 | Missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SCD | EMPLOYEE_VACANTS | 0007 | Missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SCD | EMPLOYEE_VACANTS | 6047 | DEPT_ID is nulled if EMPLOYEE_VACANTS.PAY_PLAN_NBR IN ('98', '99') | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |