A | American College Testing Writing Subscore | R | Range | WR |
A | American College Testing Science Subscore | R | Range | S |
A | American College Testing English Subscore | R | Range | E |
A | American College Testing Cumulative Score | R | Range | C |
A | American College Testing Mathematics Subscore | R | Range | M |
A | American College Testing Reading Subscore | R | Range | RE |
AC | Accuplacer Reading Score | R | Range | RE |
AC | Accuplacer Writing Score | R | Range | WE |
AC | Accuplacer Math Score | R | Range | M |
AS | FTIC Admission Scale Requirement | Y | Requirement met | R |
AS | FTIC Admission Scale Requirement | N | Requirement not met | R |
CT | Classic Learning Initiatives Quantitative Reasoning | R | Range | M |
CT | Classic Learning Initiatives, Sum of the Verbal Reasoning and Grammar/Writing Sections | R | Range | RE |
FL | FTIC and Transfer Language Requirement | Y | Requirement met | R |
FL | FTIC and Transfer Language Requirement | N | Requirement not met | R |