• Elements
  • Element: Military Status - 02059

Page Name

On the Admissions submission this is a self reported response to the admission application Veteran Status questions "Are you a veteran of the U.S. Military? If yes, did you serve on or after 09/11/2001?" and "Are you eligible to receive VA educational benefits as the spouse or dependent child of a veteran?" The Active Duty status comes from the Information for Residency Classification form.

On the Admissions (ADM) Applicants_Admits table this information is self declared. On the Final Student Information (SIF) Enrollments table this information has been verified by the university for accuracy.

SUDS load programs will set this field to missing (dot) on Enrollment records sent with the Preliminary Student Instruction File (SIFP), the Degrees Awarded (SIFD), the Hours to Degree (HTD) and the Student Financial Aid (SFA) submissions.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

SubmissionAscendingTable NameColumn nameElement IDTab column idTable idSubmission name
Degrees Awarded (SIFD)ENROLLMENTS (ENRL)MILITARY_STATUS55029298Degrees Awarded
Hours to Degree (HTD)ENROLLMENTS (ENRL)MILITARY_STATUS55029298Hours to Degree
Limited Access Programs (LAP)APPLICANTS_ADMITS (ADMA)MILITARY_STATUS55029333Limited Access Programs
Student Financial Aid (SFA)ENROLLMENTS (ENRL)MILITARY_STATUS55029298Student Financial Aid
Student Instruction (SIF)ENROLLMENTS (ENRL)MILITARY_STATUS55029298Student Instruction
Student Instruction Preliminary (SIFP)ENROLLMENTS (ENRL)MILITARY_STATUS55029298Student Instruction Preliminary
Teacher Education (TEF)APPLICANTS_ADMITS (ADMA)MILITARY_STATUS55029333Teacher Education
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Allowed Values

No Military Status
'AAActive Duty Personnel
Active Duty
'DDEligible Dependent
Eligible Dependent
'NNNational Guard
National Guard

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
ADMAPPLICANTS_ADMITS0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
ADMAPPLICANTS_ADMITS4294Frequency of Values for APPLICANTS_ADMITS.MILITARY_STATUS0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
ADMAPPLICANTS_ADMITS5317No records reported with a valid MILITARY_STATUS code.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SFAENROLLMENTS6318MILITARY_STATUS nulled when DEMO_DATA_SOURCE in ('SIFP','SIFD','HTD','SFA') 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
SIFENROLLMENTS0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFENROLLMENTS0747Military Status is required when Veterans Benefits Chapter is not missing9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFENROLLMENTS4295Frequency of Values for ENROLLMENTS.MILITARY_STATUS0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFENROLLMENTS5317No records reported with a valid MILITARY_STATUS code.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFDENROLLMENTS6318MILITARY_STATUS nulled when DEMO_DATA_SOURCE in ('SIFP','SIFD','HTD','SFA') 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
SIFPENROLLMENTS6318MILITARY_STATUS nulled when DEMO_DATA_SOURCE in ('SIFP','SIFD','HTD','SFA') 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
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Prior Database Information: