• Elements
  • Element: High School Graduation Date - 01471

Page Name

The date that the student completed high school.

This data is required only if the Type of Student at Time of Most Recent Admission (STU_RECENT_ADM_TYP 01413) is B, H or E.

- If the person graduated from high school, this should be the high school graduation date.
- If the person received a GED, this should be the date the GED was awarded.
- If the person was home-schooled, this should be the date the institution recognizes as the completion date.
- If the person did not complete high school or if the Type of Student at Date of Entry is not B, H, or E, code '.'.

This element is composed of the four digit year; the two digit month (must be between '01' and '12'); and the day. The day must be a valid day between '01 and '31'.




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