EMPL | EMPLOYEE_DEMO | 0465 | Missing and retirement code equals drop | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
EMPL | EMPLOYEE_DEMO | 0466 | DROP enrollment date must be after JULY 1, 1998 | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
EMPL | EMPLOYEE_DEMO | 6235 | DROP_ENROLL_DT is nulled if RETIRE_CD_EMP not in ('DP', 'DR', 'DS', 'DT') AND SUB_TYP in ('F', 'R') | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |
SCD | EMPLOYEE_DEMO | 6235 | DROP_ENROLL_DT is nulled if RETIRE_CD_EMP not in ('DP', 'DR', 'DS', 'DT') AND SUB_TYP in ('F', 'R') | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |