'5000 | 5000 | Dependent of Deceased - Law EnforcementF.S. 112.19(3) Tuition and fees for up to 120 credit hours are waived for the children and spouse of law enforcement officers deceased in the line of duty, who are enrolled in a certificate, undergraduate, or postgraduate program. | Mandatory |
'5001 | 5001 | Dependent of Deceased - FirefighterF.S. 112.191(3) Tuition and fees for up to 120 credit hours are waived for the children and spouse of firefighters deceased in the line of duty, who are enrolled in a certificate, undergraduate, or postgraduate program within program. | Mandatory |
'5002 | 5002 | Dependents of Deceased TeachersF.S. 112.1915 Tuition and fees for up to 120 credit hours are waived for the children of teachers and administrators deceased in the line of duty, who are enrolled in a certificate and undergraduate program. | Mandatory |
'5003 | 5003 | Victims of Wrongful IncarcerationF.S. 961.069(b) Tuition and fees for up to 120 credit hours are waived for the wrongfully incarcerated persons who meets admission criteria and maintains satisfactory academic progress. | Mandatory |
'5004 | 5004 | Dual EnrolledF.S. 1009.25(1)(a)
A student enrolled in a dual enrollment or early admission program pursuant to s. 1007.271 are exempted from the payment of tuition and fees. | Mandatory |
'5005 | 5005 | DCF - Foster Care/State CustodyF.S. 1009.25(1)(c)
A student who is or was at the time he or she reached 18 years of age in the custody of the Department of Children and Families are exempted from the payment of tuition and fees. Such exemption includes fees associated with enrollment in applied academics for adult education instruction. The exemption remains valid until the student reaches 28 years of age. Note: This code aligns with box 1 on both the old and new DCF tuition exemption forms. | Mandatory |
'5006 | 5006 | DCF - AdoptedF.S. 1009.25(1)(d)
A student who was adopted from the Department of Children and Families after May 5, 1997 are exempted from the payment of tuition and fees. Such exemption includes fees associated with enrollment in applied academics for adult education instruction. The exemption remains valid until the student reaches 28 years of age. Note: This code aligns with box 2 on both the old and new DCF tuition exemption forms. | Mandatory |
'5007 | 5007 | DCF - Non-State CustodyF.S. 1009.25(1)(c-d)
A student who is or was at the time he or she reached 18 years of age in the custody of a relative or nonrelative under s. 39.5085 or student who, after spending at least 6 months in the custody of the Department of Children and Families after reaching 16 years of age, was placed in a guardianship by the court are exempted from the payment of tuition and fees. Note: This code aligns with boxes 3&4 on both the old and new DCF tuition exemption forms and box 5 on the new form. | Mandatory |
'5008 | 5008 | Homeless
F.S. 1009.25(1)(f)
A student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or whose primary nighttime residence is a public or private shelter designed to provide temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings are exempted from the payment of tuition and fees. | Mandatory |
'5009 | 5009 | DCF - Child Welfare PersonnelF.S. 1009.25(1)(h)
Child protection and child welfare personnel, who are enrolled in an accredited bachelor¿s degree or master¿s degree in social work program, are exempted from the payment of tuition and fees provided that the student attains at least a grade of ¿B¿ in all courses. | Mandatory |
'5010 | 5010 | Purple Heart / Military HonorF.S. 1009.26(8)(a-c)
A state university shall waive tuition for undergraduate college credit programs and career certificate programs for each recipient of a Purple Heart or another combat decoration superior who is enrolled in a associate, bachelor, or certificate programs and is currently, or was at the time of the military action that resulted in the awarding of the Purple Heart or other combat decoration superior in precedence, a resident of this state. | Mandatory |
'5011 | 5011 | Psychology InternshipF.S. 1009.26(5) Any graduate student enrolled in a state-approved school psychology training program shall be entitled to a waiver of registration fees for internship credit hours applicable to an internship in the public school system under the supervision of a Department of Education certified school psychologist employed by the school system.
| Mandatory |
'5012 | 5012 | Non-ResidentF.S. 1009.26(12)
A state university shall waive out-of-state fees for students who meet the following conditions: (1) Attended a secondary school in this state for 3 consecutive years immediately before graduating from a high school in this state; (2) Apply for enrollment in an institution of higher education within 24 months after high school graduation; and, (3) Submitted an official Florida high school transcript as evidence of attendance and graduation. This includes, but is not limited to, students who are undocumented for federal immigration purposes. | Mandatory |
'5013 | 5013 | C.W. Bill Young Veteran TuitionF.S. 1009.26(13)
A state university shall waive out-of-state fees for a person who is: (1) An honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces, the United States Reserve Forces, or the National Guard who physically resides in this state while enrolled in the institution; or (2) Entitled to and uses educational assistance provided by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for a quarter, semester, or term beginning after July 1, 2015, who physically resides in this state while enrolled in the institution. | Mandatory |
'5014 | 5014 | Active Duty MilitaryF.S. 1009.26(14)
A state university shall waive out-of-state fees for a person who is an active duty member of the Armed Forces of the United States residing or stationed outside of this state. | Mandatory |
'5015 | 5015 | State EmployeesF.S. 1009.265
As a benefit to the employer and employees of the state, subject to approval by an employee¿s agency head or the equivalent, each state university institution shall waive tuition and fees for state employees to enroll for up to 6 credit hours of courses per term on a space-available basis. | Mandatory |
'5016 | 5016 | Benacquisto ScholarsF.S. 1009.893(2) A Florida high school graduate who receives recognition as a National Merit Scholar or National Achievement Scholar and who initially enrolls in the 2014-2015 academic year or, later, in a baccalaureate degree program at an eligible Florida public or independent postsecondary educational institution. | Mandatory |
'5017 | 5017 | Dependent of Deceased - First RespondersFS 112.1912 Tuition and fees for up to 120 credit hours are waived for the children and spouse of law enforcement, correctional, or correctional probation officer, firefighter, or emergency medical technician/paramedic deceased in the line of duty after July 1, 2019, who are enrolled in a certificate, undergraduate, or postgraduate program. | Mandatory |
'5018 | 5018 | Dependent of Deceased - Active Duty ServicememberFS 295.061 Tuition and fees for up to 120 credit hours are waived for the children and spouse of Active duty servicemembers deceased in the line of duty, who are enrolled in a certificate, undergraduate, or postgraduate program. | Mandatory |
'5019 | 5019 | Programs of Strategic Emphasis (BOGO)F.S. 1009.26(18) Tuition and fees
for up to 110 percent of upper-division credit hours are waived
for eligible students enrolled in a Program of Strategic Emphasis
who are Florida Residents for tuition purposes. | Mandatory |
'5020 | 5020 | Online Free Seat F.S. 1009.26(19)(a) 100% of tuition and
fees are waived for one online course for eligible students who
are Florida Residents for tuition purposes. This does not include
the 25% discount for all subsequent online courses in their
online program. | Mandatory |
'5021 | 5021 | Apprenticeship ProgramF.S. 1009.25(1). Students who are enrolled in an apprenticeship program that is approved by the Florida Department of Education, as defined in s. 446.021 F.S., are exempt from the payment of tuition and fees, including lab fees | Mandatory |
'5022 | 5022 | Grandparent WaiverF.S. 1009.26(20) Beginning with the Fall term of the
2022-23 academic year, a state university shall waive the out-of-state fee for
a select number of full-time enrolled, undergraduate students based on
first-come, first-served basis who: (1) have a grandparent who is a legal
resident; (2) have earned a high school diploma comparable to a Florida
standard high school diploma, or its equivalent, or completes a home
education program; (3) have scored at least at the 89th national percentile
on the ACT/SAT or CLT exams. | Mandatory |
'5023 | 5023 | Disabled VeteranF.S. 295.011 Beginning with the 2022-2023 academic year,
a disabled veteran enrolled at a state university who does not qualify for the
100-percent eligibility tier under federal law is eligible to receive a waiver
for tuition and fees. The waiver amount is equal to the difference between
the portion of tuition and fees paid in accordance with federal law and the
full amount of tuition and fees at the institution attended. The amount
awarded by the state is not to be determined until after the application of
federal benefits under 38 U.S.C. s. 3313. | Mandatory |
'5500 | 5500 | Florida Linkage InstituteF.S. 288.8175
Each institute may exempt 25 FTE students per year from the host countries as resident students for tuition purpose. The criteria for selecting such students must be approved by the Department of Education and students must return to their home countries for a length time equal to their exemption period. | Discretionary |
'5501 | 5501 | Tuition Differential Fee for FSAG-eligibleF.S. 1009.24(16)(b)(8)
The tuition differential may be waived by the university for students who meet the eligibility requirements for the Florida public student assistance grant established in s. 1009.50. | Discretionary |
'5502 | 5502 | Teacher Intern SupervisorF.S. 1009.26(2)
A state university may waive any or all application, tuition, and related fees for persons who supervise student interns for a state university. | Discretionary |
'5503 | 5503 | Faculty/Staff EmployeesF.S. 1009.26(3)
A university board of trustees is authorized to permit full-time university employees who meet academic requirements to enroll for up to 6 credit hours of tuition-free courses per term on a space-available basis. | Discretionary |
'5504 | 5504 | Senior Citizen AuditF.S. 1009.26(4)
A state university may waive any or all application, tuition, and related fees for persons 60 years of age or older who are residents of this state and who attend classes for credit. No academic credit shall be awarded for attendance in classes for which fees are waived under this subsection. This privilege may be granted only on a space-available basis. | Discretionary |
'5505 | 5505 | Public School Classroom TeacherF.S. 1009.26(10)
A state university may waive tuition and fees for a classroom teacher employed full-time for up to 6 credit hours per term on a space-available basis in undergraduate courses approved by the Department of Education. Such courses shall be limited to undergraduate courses related to special education, mathematics, or science. The waiver may not be used for courses scheduled during the school district¿s regular school day. | Discretionary |