• Elements
  • Element: Degree Program Category - 01082

Page Name

The classification associated with the degree program in which the degree was awarded. The codes are based on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES).

Each reporting institution should use only the codes which have been assigned to the programs within degree level which that institution is authorized to offer.

All Associate degrees should be coded as 24.0101.

This element includes several all-purpose discipline categories. These codes (which end in 9999) should only be used to indicate Student Program Category in those cases where an undergraduate student has not declared a specific academic program as his/her major during the admission and/or registration process.

An '*' after the university denotes a cooperative program with another university. The school with an '*' is not authorized to award the degree.

Load programs on DEGREES_AWARDED table will NULL value when DEGREE_LEVEL_GRANT = 'K'.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
SIFDDEGREES_AWARDED0007Missing9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFDDEGREES_AWARDED5208The Degree, Program CIP code must be valid for the reporting university/campus and, when appropriate, the Degree level.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFDDEGREES_AWARDED6104CIP_DEGREE is nulled if DEG_LEVEL_GRANT= 'K' 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE0777Cannot be missing if the MILESTONE is a completion and the TCHR_PREP_DOE_LEVEL is ('B', 'M', 'S', 'D').9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE0783CIP_DEGREE cannot equal '.' when TCHR_PREP_DOE_LEVEL equals ('B','M','S','D')9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE5208The Degree, Program CIP code must be valid for the reporting university/campus and, when appropriate, the Degree level.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE6357UPDATE univdb.tchr_ed_milestone m SET m.cip_degree = '.' where tchr_prep_doe_level NOT IN('B','M','S','D') AND m.cip_degree != '.'1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
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