SIFD | DEGREES_AWARDED | 0007 | Missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SIFD | DEGREES_AWARDED | 5208 | The Degree, Program CIP code must be valid for the reporting university/campus and, when appropriate, the Degree level. | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SIFD | DEGREES_AWARDED | 6104 | CIP_DEGREE is nulled if DEG_LEVEL_GRANT= 'K' | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |
TEI | TCHR_ED_MILESTONE | 0777 | Cannot be missing if the MILESTONE is a completion and the TCHR_PREP_DOE_LEVEL is ('B', 'M', 'S', 'D'). | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
TEI | TCHR_ED_MILESTONE | 0783 | CIP_DEGREE cannot equal '.' when TCHR_PREP_DOE_LEVEL equals ('B','M','S','D') | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
TEI | TCHR_ED_MILESTONE | 5208 | The Degree, Program CIP code must be valid for the reporting university/campus and, when appropriate, the Degree level. | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
TEI | TCHR_ED_MILESTONE | 6357 | UPDATE univdb.tchr_ed_milestone m
SET m.cip_degree = '.'
where tchr_prep_doe_level NOT IN('B','M','S','D')
AND m.cip_degree != '.' | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |