• Elements
  • Element: Primary Course Section Type - 01289

Page Name

The means by which instruction is predominantly delivered for this course section as reported on the Student Data Course File.

Load programs on WORKLOAD_ACTIVITES table will NULL value when INSTR_RESRCH_ACT is not instruction.

Load programs on INSTRUCTIONAL_ACTIVITY table will NULL value when TOTAL_CRS_CRED_HRS = zero.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

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Allowed Values

'CCClass Lecture
'GGGraduate Dissertation
Credit offered for study, investigation, or research to result in a treatise or equivalent product submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Doctorate degree. The student must be admitted to Doctoral candidacy to receive dissertation credit.
Those methods which provide the learner an opportunity to acquire or apply previously acquired knowledge and skills in a supervised situation that approximates or duplicates the conditions under which the knowledge will be used. The instruction is typically individualized with a high degree of interaction between the students and the supervisor.
'MMMedical Clinical Professional
Clinical instruction within a college of medicine.
'NNNot Reported
Valid only on the Hours to Degree File for courses taken at other institutions.
'PPIndividual Performance Instruction
Studio and/or class lessons where mastery of the basic techniques of the performing medium are emphasized.
'RRSupervised Research
A graduate assistant may, in some instances, require special training or faculty supervision to properly carry out his/her research assignments. If the graduate assistant registers for academic credit for this training and supervision, the credit generated shall be reported by the university as credit in Supervised Research. This definition does not include dissertation credit. Directed Individual Study (DIS) credit is included only when the DIS is a part of the student's assignment as a graduate assistant.
'SSSupervised Teaching
A graduate assistant may, in some instances, require special training or faculty supervision to properly carry out his/her teaching assignments. If the graduate assistant registers for academic credit for this training and supervision, the credit generated shall be reported by the university as credit in Supervised Teaching. This definition includes credit for supervised teaching internships only when such teaching responsibilities are part of the student's assignment as a graduate assistant.
Credit offered for study, investigation, or research to result in a treatise submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree. (Formerly Graduate Thesis only, as of Summer 2018 the value was expanded to include undergraduates.)
'XXCorrespondence Study Course
'ZZDirected Individual Study
Those methods in which the student learns a set of skills or gains knowledge in a one-to-one situation from a teacher/agent. In some cases, the teacher/agent actually teaches, and in other cases the learning process is facilitated by the teacher/agent through direction or supervision.

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0224Must be valid when INSTR_RESRCH_ACT defined as instruction (11,12,15,19-21,43,44) 9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0293CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI is Medical Instruction and BE_CD_ACT is not Medical9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0891If Crs_Sectn_Typ_Pri is Graduate Thesis or Dissertation (T,G), then course level cannot be less than 5.8Allowable Tolerance: a 9-level critical error will be generated if the error occurs at a rate above the allowable level
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES4080Frequency of Values for WORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES.CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES58255% Tolerance exceeded for Diagnostic Code 0891 - T,G are invalid if the first position of Crs_Nbr less than 59Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES6242CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI is nulled if INSTR_RESRCH_ACT NOT IN ('11', '12', '43', '44', '15', '19', '20', '21', '16', '17', '25') 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY4081Frequency of Values for WORKLOAD_ACTIVITY_SUMMARY.CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN0152M invalid if reporting institutuion not equal UF, FSU, USF, FIU, FAU or UCF9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN0609T,G are invalid if the first position of Crs_Nbr less than 5.8Allowable Tolerance: a 9-level critical error will be generated if the error occurs at a rate above the allowable level
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN4082Frequency of Values for COURSES_TAKEN.CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN5267CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI equal X, INST_CLASS_LVL_STU not equal 05Warning: possible error that should be checked
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN58225% Tolerance exceeded for Diagnostic Code 0609 - T,G are invalid if the first position of Crs_Nbr less than 59Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN4082Frequency of Values for COURSES_TAKEN.CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN6309CRS_SECTN_TYP_PRI is set to nulled when DEMO_DATA_SOURCE = 'SIFP' 1Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process
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