SIF | COURSES_TAKEN | 0008 | Missing or Invalid Value | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SIF | COURSES_TAKEN | 5377 | No matching county found on the SITES table | 5 | Warning: possible error that should be checked |
SIF | COURSE_MEETINGS | 0005 | Invalid Value | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SIF | COURSE_MEETINGS | 0594 | When Unsched_Mtg_Ind X or N, then Crs_Sectn_Loc_Cnty cannot be missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SIF | COURSE_MEETINGS | 5377 | No matching county found on the SITES table | 5 | Warning: possible error that should be checked |
SIF | COURSE_MEETINGS | 6225 | CRS_SECTN_LOC_CNTY is nulled if UNSCHED_MTG_IND = 'T' | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |
SIFP | COURSES_TAKEN | 6152 | CRS_SECTN_LOC_CNTY is nulled if DEMO_DATA_SOURCE = 'SIFP' | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |
SIFP | COURSE_MEETINGS | 0005 | Invalid Value | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
SIFP | COURSE_MEETINGS | 0594 | When Unsched_Mtg_Ind X or N, then Crs_Sectn_Loc_Cnty cannot be missing | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |