'. | . | MISSING | - |
'C | C | Class Lecture | |
'D | D | Discussion | |
'G | G | Graduate DissertationCredit offered for study, investigation, or research to result in a treatise or equivalent product submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Doctorate degree. The student must be admitted to Doctoral candidacy to receive dissertation credit. | |
'I | I | InternshipsThose methods which provide the learner an opportunity to acquire or apply previously acquired knowledge and skills in a supervised situation that approximates or duplicates the conditions under which the knowledge will be used. The instruction is typically individualized with a high degree of interaction between the students and the supervisor. | |
'L | L | Laboratory | |
'M | M | Medical Clinical ProfessionalClinical instruction within a college of medicine. | |
'N | N | Not ReportedValid only on the Hours to Degree File for courses taken at other institutions. | |
'O | O | Other | |
'P | P | Individual Performance InstructionStudio and/or class lessons where mastery of the basic techniques of the performing medium are emphasized. | |
'R | R | Supervised ResearchA graduate assistant may, in some instances, require special training or faculty supervision to properly carry out his/her research assignments. If the graduate assistant registers for academic credit for this training and supervision, the credit generated shall be reported by the university as credit in Supervised Research. This definition does not include dissertation credit. Directed Individual Study (DIS) credit is included only when the DIS is a part of the student's assignment as a graduate assistant. | |
'S | S | Supervised TeachingA graduate assistant may, in some instances, require special training or faculty supervision to properly carry out his/her teaching assignments. If the graduate assistant registers for academic credit for this training and supervision, the credit generated shall be reported by the university as credit in Supervised Teaching. This definition includes credit for supervised teaching internships only when such teaching responsibilities are part of the student's assignment as a graduate assistant. | |
'T | T | ThesisCredit offered for study, investigation, or research to result in a treatise submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a degree. (Formerly Graduate Thesis only, as of Summer 2018 the value was expanded to include undergraduates.) | |
'X | X | Correspondence Study Course | |
'Z | Z | Directed Individual StudyThose methods in which the student learns a set of skills or gains knowledge in a one-to-one situation from a teacher/agent. In some cases, the teacher/agent actually teaches, and in other cases the learning process is facilitated by the teacher/agent through direction or supervision. | |