• Elements
  • Element: Lower Division Admit Category - 02092

Page Name

A code used to differentiate lower-division transfer students to monitor the Boards' admission criteria for transfer students.

This element is only required for transfer students - when Student Type (01414) is J or U. This element differentiates lower division, transfer students into two groups to align with Board regulation 6.004.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Allowed Values

Lower division transfer student with less than 30 transferrable credit hours.
Lower division transfer student with between 30 and 59 transferrable credit hours.

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscendingTable nameDiagnostic CodeDiagnostic MessageError LevelError Description
ADMAPPLICANTS_ADMITS0005Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
ADMAPPLICANTS_ADMITS0834The Lower Division Admit Category (02092) cannot be missing or invalid when Student Type (01414) is Transfer From Florida College System (J) or Other Undergraduate Transfer (U) and the Student Classification Level (01060) is Lower Division Undergraduate (L) and the Final Admission Action (01135) is Admitted (A).9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
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