• Elements
  • Element: State-Approved Teacher Prep Pgm - DOE Code - 01425

Page Name

Florida Department of Education (FDOE) classification of the State Approved Teacher Preparation Program. These codes are supplied by the Bureau of Educator Recruitment Development and Retention, Office of Educator Preparation.

Load programs on the TEST_REQS table will NULL value when the submission is for ADM.




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Edit Values

Submission CodeAscending
Table name
Diagnostic Code
Diagnostic Message
Error Level
Error Description
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE4301Frequency of Values for TCHR_ED_MILESTONE.TCHR_PREP_DOE_CD0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE5208The Degree, Program CIP code must be valid for the reporting university/campus and, when appropriate, the Degree level.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE5365DOE Code and Level must be approved for the Milestone Term, except for the W milestone.9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
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