• Elements
  • Element: Course - Student Classification Level - 01483

Page Name

The classification level of the student at the time the course was taken at the reporting university (01045) or unclassified if the course was taken at another institution.

If the course was taken at an institution other than the reporting institution, based on the institutional code - course (01482), this code should be set to "N - unclassified."

If the course was taken at the reporting institution, the code should be set to "L - LOWER" for every term, until the student has earned sixty hours.

The term after the student earns his/her sixtyth hour this code is set to "U - upper."




Allowed Values

'AAAdvanced Graduate
'BBBeginning Graduate
'LLLower Division Undergraduate
(not formally admitted and thus is not degree seeking)
'UUUpper Division Undergraduate

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscending
Table name
Diagnostic Code
Diagnostic Message
Error Level
Error Description
HTDCOURSES_TO_DEGREE0008Missing or Invalid Value9Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected
HTDCOURSES_TO_DEGREE4055Frequency of Values for COURSES_TO_DEGREE.STU_CLASS_LEVEL0Frequency Distribution: not an indication of an error
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