• Elements
  • Element: University Row Identifier - 02002

Page Name

Code used by the university to identify a particular row in a file submssion.

This number can be a sequentially increasing number or a specific number tied to a student.




Associated Submissions, Tables, and Columns

Edit Values

Submission CodeAscending
Table name
Diagnostic Code
Diagnostic Message
Error Level
Error Description
ADMAPPLICANTS_ADMITS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
ADMPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
ADMPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
ADMTESTS_REQS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DATA0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
EMPLEMPLOYEE_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
HTDCOURSES_TO_DEGREE0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
HTDHOURS_TO_DEGREE0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
HTDPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
HTDPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
IRDPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
IRDWORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
IRDWORKLOAD_PERSON_FUNDING0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
OBOPERATING_BUDGET0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
OBUNIV_DEPT_MASTER0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
RETPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
RETPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
RETRET_COHORT_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SCDEMPLOYEE_DATA0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SCDEMPLOYEE_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SCDEMPLOYEE_VACANTS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SFAENROLLMENTS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SFAFINANCIAL_AID_AWARDS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SFAFINANCIAL_AID_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SFAPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SFAPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFCOURSES_TAKEN0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFCOURSE_MEETINGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFENROLLMENTS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFFEE_WAIVERS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFTEST_CREDITS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFDDEGREES_AWARDED0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFDENROLLMENTS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFDPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFDPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPCOURSES_TAKEN0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPENROLLMENTS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPFEE_WAIVERS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
SIFPTEST_CREDITS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
TEIPERSON_DEMO0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
TEIPERSON_ID_CHGS0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
TEITCHR_ED_MILESTONE0738UNIV_ROW_ID is missingXFatal Error: must be resolved, an explanation is not acceptable
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