IRD | WORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES | 0171 | CRS_CRED_HRS required when CRS_PREFIX is not '999' and INSTR_RESRCH_ACT is Instruction | 9 | Critical Error: may cause submission to be rejected |
IRD | WORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES | 0172 | CRS_CRED_HRS required when VAR_CRED_FLG equal 'F' and INSTR_RESRCH_ACT is instruction (11, 12, 43, 44) | 5 | Warning: possible error that should be checked |
IRD | WORKLOAD_ACTIVITIES | 6049 | CRS_CRED_HRS is nulled if WA.INSTR_RESRCH_ACT not in ('11', '12', '43', '44') AND WA.CRS_CRED_HRS IS NOT NULL | 1 | Generated or Modified during SUDS Edit Process |